Guaranteed export to UAE

Guaranteed exports to the UAE and earning dollars for the investor and producer

Profitable plan

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Today, there are different ways of selling in global markets.

What services do we provide you at Babirosh?

Direct sale of Iranian goods in the UAE:

By selling directly in the United Arab Emirates, product owners can sell their products in the UAE drawer without the intervention of any middleman. The goal of Babirosh company is to obtain much more profit for producers and capitalists in foreign trade transactions.

Investment and dollar income from exports:

Investing and earning dollars has always been the safest and most profitable way to earn money, which has become more important and attractive today with the increasing dollar price and inflation rates in this turbulent market. Exporting is one of the most common and safest ways to earn such income. By relying on its existing facilities and capacities, Babirosh company has created a suitable platform for domestic producers and suppliers so that they can easily earn from their products in dollars and with low risk.

Guaranteed export to UAE:

The UAE, as one of the most important commercial and economic countries in the world, has made it possible to exchange all kinds of products with other international traders. The existence of this global market near our country has created an exceptional opportunity for those interested in exporting; However, taking advantage of this opportunity naturally comes with challenges.
Babirosh company, with an experienced and experienced staff in this field, is trying to overcome these challenges. Therefore, in the same direction, while making this path smoother, in order to assure the dear exporters, it also guarantees the export of your various products to this prosperous global market.

More than 70 years of export and international trade experience

Profitable export

Everything about Babirosh’s partnership plan

In this method, apart from goods and capital, the participant spends only 10% of the total amount for marketing. All this work is done with Babirosh’s sales guarantee. (If marketing is not successful and it is not possible to export the product, the marketing amount will be returned by Babirosh) through direct sales in the UAE and retail stores or large commercial centers or Consumers or businessmen who travel to the UAE for any reason will make a full sale. In all stages of the sale, the goods are in the name of the customer and at the customer’s disposal.

The goal of marketing and selling goods in the UAE directly in the markets of retail, wholesale and traders and intermediaries who travel to the UAE for African and Arab countries. In this method, we have a full guarantee to export the goods in one year according to the ceiling. The UAE market is a 200 billion dollar market that consumes 4 times more than Iran and is a supplier of African and Gulf countries. The largest seaport in the Middle East, the largest importer in the Middle East

In all stages of the sale, the goods are in the name of the customer and at the customer’s disposal.

Consultation request

To consult with the best professors of Babirosh, send the form below.

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